Hygiene Dots

Our Hygiene Dots are the need of the hour. They serve as a constant reminder to our children to follow proper protocol when out of the house which will keep them safe and healthy. Reminders included in the pack are 1. Wear your Mask 2. Wash your hands 3. Keep Distance 4. Use Sanitizer 5. Use Tissue 6. Eat Healthy 7. Play Safe and 8. Don't touch your face

Quantity: 20 / 40 nos. Size: 38mm x 38mm | 1.5" x 1.5"

See Product Description below for more information. TO PERSONALISE YOUR LABELS: Click the Customise Now button below.

Allergy Rounds

Do you or your child have food or other allergies? Now make sure you stay safe with our Personalised Allergy Labels. Microwave safe, Waterproof & UV Protected Allergy Stickers. Choose from any of the 6 standard allergies - No Egg, No Dairy, No Wheat, No Meat, No Nuts, No Seafood.

Quantity: 20 / 40 nos. Size: 38mm x 38mm | 1.5" x 1.5"

See Product Description below for more information. TO PERSONALISE YOUR LABELS: Click the Customise Now button below.